What is the impact of the fourth industrial revolution in South Africa?

New technologies can be powerful agents for good.

Education and access to information can improve the lives of billions of people. Through increasingly powerful computing devices and networks, digital services, and mobile devices, this can become a reality for people around the world, including those in underdeveloped countries.

The social media revolution embodied by Facebook, Twitter, and whatsApp has given everyone a voice and a way to communicate instantly across the planet. Today, more than 30% of the people in the world use social media services to communicate and stay on top of world events.

These innovations can create a true global village, bringing billions more people into the global economy. They can bring access to products and services to entirely new markets. They can give people opportunities to learn and earn in new ways, and they can give people new identities as they see potential for themselves that wasn’t previously available.

Online shopping and delivery services—including by drone—are already redefining convenience and the retail experience. The ease of delivery can transform communities, even in remote places, and jumpstart the economies of small or rural areas.

In the physical realm, advances in biomedical sciences can lead to healthier lives and longer life spans. They can lead to innovations in neuroscience, like connecting the human brain to computers to enhance intelligence or experience a simulated world. Imagine all that robot power with human problem-solving skills.

Advances in automotive safety through Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies can reduce road fatalities and insurance costs, and carbon emissions. Autonomous vehicles can reshape the living spaces of cities, architecture, and roads themselves, and free up space for more social and human-centered spaces.

Digital technology can liberate workers from automatable tasks, freeing them to concentrate on addressing more complex business issues and giving them more autonomy. It can also provide workers with radically new tools and insights to design more creative solutions to previously insurmountable problems.

Changes for Worse

However, while the Fourth Industrial Revolution has the power to change the world positively, we have to be aware that the technologies can have negative results if we don’t think about how they can change us.

We build what we value. This means we need to remember our values as we’re building with these new technologies. For example, if we value money over family time, we can build technologies that help us make money at the expense of family time. In turn, these technologies can create incentives that make it harder to change that underlying value.

People have a deep relationship with technologies. They are how we create our world, and we have to develop them with care. More than ever, it’s important that we begin right.

Biotechnology can lead to controversial advances such as designer babies, gene drives (changing the inherited traits of an entire species), or implants required to become competitive candidates for schools or jobs. Innovations in robotics and automation can lead to lost jobs, or at least jobs that are very different and value different skills.

Artificial intelligence, robotics, bioengineering, programming tools, and other technologies can all be used to create and deploy weapons.

Social media can erase borders and bring people together, but it also can also intensify the social divide. And it gives voice to cyber-bullying, hate speech, and spreading false stories. We have to decide what kind of social media rules we want to create, but we also have to accept that social media is reshaping what we value and how we create and deploy those rules.

In addition, being always connected can turn into a liability, with no respite from the continuous overload of data and connections.

Changes in Employment

Artificial intelligence is unleashing a whole new level of productivity and augmenting our lives in many ways. As in past industrial revolutions, it can also be a disruptive force, dislocating people from jobs and surfacing questions about the relationship between humans and machines.

It’s inevitable that jobs are going to be impacted as artificial intelligence automates a variety of tasks. However, just as the Internet did 20 years ago, the artificial intelligence revolution is going to transform many jobs—and spawn new kinds of jobs that drive economic growth. Workers can spend more time on creative, collaborative, and complex problem-solving tasks that machine automation isn’t well suited to handle.

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However, workers with less education and fewer skills are at a disadvantage as the Fourth Industrial Revolution progresses. Businesses and governments need to adapt to the changing nature of work by focusing on training people for the jobs of tomorrow. Talent development, lifelong learning, and career reinvention are going to be critical to the future workforce.

Changes in Equality

People are asking whether the Fourth Industrial Revolution is the road to a better future for all. The power of technology is increasing rapidly and facilitating extraordinary levels of innovation. And as we know, more people and things in the world are becoming connected. But that doesn’t necessarily pave the way for a more open, diverse, and inclusive global society. The lessons of previous industrial revolutions include the realization that technology and its wealth generation can serve the interests of small, powerful groups above the rest. Powerful new technologies built on global digital networks can be used to keep societies under undue surveillance while making us vulnerable to physical and cyberattacks. These are the challenges we can face to make sure the combination of technology and politics together don’t create disparities that hinder people.

According to the World Economic Forum Global Risks Report 2017, “the Fourth Industrial Revolution has the potential to raise income levels and improve the quality of life for all people. But today, the economic benefits of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are becoming more concentrated among a small group. This increasing inequality can lead to political polarization, social fragmentation, and lack of trust in institutions. To address these challenges, leaders in the public and private sectors need to have a deeper commitment to more inclusive development and equitable growth that lifts up all people.”

Changes in Privacy

We value the ability to control what is known about us, and yet we are living in a world where tracking every individual’s personal information is key to delivering more intelligent, personalized services. For example:

  • Facebook tracks what you do so that it knows which content and advertisements are most relevant to you.
  • Smartphones track your location, and you can share that information with apps that recommend places to eat or shop.
  • Retailers analyze your purchase history to recommend products and offer coupons to stimulate more sales.

In the future, you’ll walk into a store and the salesperson will immediately have your name, credit rating, marital status, and past purchases flashed to their augmented-reality virtual screen.

In the future, billions of 3D-printed “smart dust” cameras floating in the air can monitor the activities of humans. From traffic reports to natural disasters, such technology can keep us safer. But it also can watch us when we do not want to be watched.

For consumers, businesses that are transparent about their data collection practices and that prioritize consumer privacy can win our loyalty.

35 thoughts on “What is the impact of the fourth industrial revolution in South Africa?”

  1. Indeed yes I agree with you fourth industrial revolution has taken over, people are losing jobs already they are replaced by the new machines, graduates are struggling to find jobs because new technology has evolved and the education system is still doing things the old way


    1. Your article shows an accurate and deep understanding on the fourth industrial revolution in SA. The examples stated like artificial intelligence, and biotechnology will definitely have a positive and negative effect on employment in SA. It’s either, technology will replace jobs or it will bring vast improvements in the workplace.


  2. Very insightful I also think its crucial for humankind to still be in touch with who we truly are and why we’re utilizing these opportunities. There has to be a limit and a sense of privacy and states should protect sensitive information from companies like Facebook as much as they can claim whatever they’re doing is for a greater good. Yea we’re in a global community and the internet liberates us however we should also look on the downside of this virtual world.


  3. That’s true hey it is an honest truth that the robots don’t have an emotional intelligence that the human have, which is people need to be educated because its not like we will always used the machines and this sophisticated equip models we need to use our brains and knowledge to come up with solutions and make our lives easier .


  4. Such an informative piece. This has me concerned about how much of our personal and private information is somewhere in ‘the cloud’ and having ‘people’ or robots in possession of it. Also, technology is slowly replacing face to face interactions and human relations, even in the presence of the company of people, we’re always on our phones wanting to know what’s happening outside of our surroundings.


  5. A very informative piece. However, even though the fourth industrial revolution looks pretty promising in terms of making life more bearable for people I believe a lot of those people will lose jobs and our degrees will not be of good use anymore so it’s really a kinda win or lose situation and I just can’t wrap myself around it.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This revolution speak much sense interms of development but my fear is that people’s jobs will be replaced by these machines. However the learning space will be more productive and students we acquire skills that are relevant to the needs of the current era.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Very informative indeed. Come to think of it TECHNOLOGY has got both the old and the young people hooked so much that we do not spend “quality time” until shown to the world for other people who use technology to see. I l I love love this so much .

    Liked by 1 person

  8. The fourth industrial revolution is a very good idea, but there is a greater chance that people might lose their jobs which will increase the rate of poverty in our country.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. True. Technology is slowly making way into replacing human labour to use of machines. A lot of technology is used even today; when people are applying for jobs what people are posting on social media detemines whether they get the post or not.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Such an informative and clearly explained piece. I love how it has shown both the pros and cons of technology without jeapordising or devaluing either. I will rather dwell much on how I think that technology is a necessity for the modern times because it’s saves so much of people’ s time and with that, people are able to do multiple things at once. However, it is so true that most jobs are slowly slipping off people’s hands because of technology but then that does not take away the value of it. To me it’s an inevitable win/loose game for people, and as the piece said, people have to learn not to be overly influenced by it.


  11. It sounds amazing and promising for the future economy of the country but from my opinion this fourth industrial generation will not benefit us all , firstly it’ll take away jobs from our people and as the cost of data increases each everyday , meaning not every one will have access to information that’ll be shared through these robot’s and digital platforms. Cost of living will increase while jobs are being taken away by automatic robots and number of unemployed graduates increases because their skills will be outdated. A lot still needs to looked at !!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. In as much as the machinery would be ideal for business use and more efficient than humans, but the economic implications of it would be bad for the economy. A step towards the 4th industrial revolution is a step to taking away manual jobs from human only for them to be replaced by the machines.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Very informative Okuhle. I think this is a great idea using technology as a new way of doing things. It will make things easy for some people. Yes,it wont work for everyone but for some it will be beneficial.


  14. The revolution is a great idea. But I am left wondering, how will south Africa participate or be involved in this revolution when it’s still so behind? There’s still a lot to be done here before we could reach this 4th revolution.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. This is a great initiative. However, I’m concerned about the disadvantages this revolution has. Many people will lose their jobs, our degrees will be of no use and I feel like it will take our country backwards. We already have an issue of many unemployed graduates, how much more if human jobs are replaced with robots?. There’s a lot that needs to be done in S.A in order for this to be implemented.


  16. I love the fact that you did not only focus on one side of the matter as everything has its bad and good side. Fourth industrial revolution may have a negative impact on job opportunities but it has improved standard of living and will continue to do so. This is a very informative piece and should be made available to a lot of people to read.


  17. Technology has help our living conditions to be better and much easier. However I am very concerned with the future because currently we have an issue of unemployment and economic issues. This means as years go by there will be more unemployment since technology is taking over. This led to issues such as poverty. As much technology is helping us but we should also have limits. This article is so informative it should be made available in platform such social media because it so deep in showing the how has this technology of ours has improved from years and how it will cost us in time.


  18. I believe that it is not only that we have to look on the technics or rather the new ideas that will arise but also the gains of the 4th industrial one example is Advances in computing power, artificial intelligence, robotics, and material science can accelerate the shift toward more environmentally friendly products of all kinds. Digital fabrication techniques, including 3D printing, can bring manufacturing closer to customers and make spare-part maintenance easier and cheaper.


  19. Informative Okuhle. I think this is an extraordinary thought utilizing innovation as another method for getting things done. It will make things simple for certain individuals. Yes,it wont work for everybody except for some it will be advantageous.


  20. Insightful I additionally think its vital for mankind to in any case be in contact with who we really are and for what reason we’re using these chances. There must be a cutoff and a feeling of security and states should shield touchy data from organizations like Facebook as much as they can guarantee whatever they’re doing is for a more prominent great. Yea we’re in a worldwide network and the web frees us anyway we ought to likewise look on the drawback of this virtual world.


  21. Wow this is so sad because it shows how We the people are really have become really lazy that we invent robots to do jobs for us. Yet we know the advantages and disadvantages of the invention of these robots. We have become the inconsiderate generation that we don’t care about other people who have to compete with robots


  22. An optimistic approach is vital. Change is inevitable. I feel people really thought they would get away with relaxed approach to life. Being proactive is important constantly enhancing your skills is important that is what people are realizing too late. Just like people working for companies to build other people’s legacy and forgetting about themselves is foolish. Initiative mentality is important to stay ahead of things and time and it is doable. They will not be unemployment if people focus on coming with solutions by taking responsibility in building themselves mentally and physically.


  23. Very informative indeed and I am looking forward in read more of your work. A lot has been said, so I wont say much. But the fourth industrial revolution will have a huge impact in the country, to the societies and to the lives of individual. And this impact will advantage and disadvantage people in many ways.


  24. At the end of the day, even Technology will have its disadvantages, for example, they cannot create emotions and emotions can never be created. For example, Robots. They do not have attachments, so they can never have empathy or sympathize with a human being, they can only understand you from a logical point of view.


  25. Blog is beautifully presented. and I truly believe that the 4th industrial has its positives. Technology whether we like it or not is part of our lives and all we can do is adapt and educate ourselves to teach our future generations.


  26. Techonoly has indeed made our lives easier. However with its constant development some changes are not very pleasant because it reduces employment and raises socio economic issues instead of decreasing them. We have no control over it, the only thing one can do is to adapt to it.


  27. Wow really enlightening blog. I feel like with all this information you have given, it makes me think is technology a tool used to spy on us or is it a tool that is the best way to go forward. Honestly I feel like it’s both. I really do believe it is the best way forward and will improve every day life. Thank you for this wonderful insight into technology and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


  28. It is teachers like you who I fully recommend for this teaching profession. People who go beyond the measures, I like the fact that you’ve included all other sectors which are influenced by the use of technology not only education.. I recommend the introduction of technology as our source to make collect information, make production faster, and it saves time and energy..


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